Safeguard G

Actions to reduce displacement of emissions

Displacement is an important issue with regard to REDD+ because there may be no net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions if deforestation and forest degradation has simply shifted to another area as a consequence of REDD+ implementation. In order to reduce the risks of displacement, the National REDD+ Programme and Provincial REDD+ Action Plans identify key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, as well as potential opportunities for forest enhancement, and clarify how these drivers are to be addressed by REDD+ policies and measures. Potential social and environmental impacts of the proposed policies and measures are to be identified and mitigated, including conflicts linked to land use in REDD+ intervention areas. The National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) is expected to be capable of identifying instances of deforestation and forest degradation, which, through further investigation may be shown to be due to displacement as a consequence of REDD+ implementation. NFMS tracking of deforestation and forest degradation, coupled with analysis of causes, can inform actions taken to reduce the risk of any further displacement. In addition, Viet Nam has cross-border collaboration agreements on forest management and trade with neighbouring countries, which can help identify and reduce potential regional displacement.


There are two elements for this Safeguard: