Safeguard G Detail

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This term is understood to mean the displacement (also referred to as ‘leakage’) of deforestation and/or forest degradation, avoided in one forested area, to another, through the implementation of REDD+ policies and measures. Displacement can occur within Viet Nam and across national boundaries.

Actions to reduce the risk of displacement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from REDD+ include:

  • Implementing REDD+ at a national scale through the National REDD+ Programme;
  • Analysing risk of displacement and selecting and designing of REDD+ policies and measures taking into consideration the risk of GHG emissions displacement (including risk of displacement to other ecosystems, e.g. through draining of peatlands for agricultural use);
  • Designing and selecting policies and measures that address the underlying and indirect drivers of deforestation and land use change rather than only addressing direct drivers at specific locations, as well as assessment, clarification and resolution of land use arrangements in the intervention areas;
  • Taking actions to reduce displacement of GHG emissions from REDD+ policies and measures at the subnational scale, taking into account the potential impacts of REDD+ policies and measures on livelihoods as well as the demand for and supply of forest and agricultural;
  • Regional actions on transboundary displacement issues, such as regional collaboration on REDD+ to ensure coherence in REDD+ implementation by various countries; and
  • Designing and operating a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) designed to contribute to detecting and providing information on displacement at national and subnational levels; as well as analysing possible reasons for displacement of GHG emissions, such as ineffective implementation of REDD+ policies and measures, or REDD+ policies and measures that are not designed to address underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation.