Safeguard C Detail

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In the context of REDD+, the knowledge of ethnic minorities and members of local communities is clarified in Viet Nam in line with the definition of ‘traditional knowledge’ in article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity[1], ratified by Viet Nam, as including the “knowledge, innovations and practices…developed through the experiences of communities over centuries, adapted to local needs, cultures and environments and passed down from generation to generation[2].

Viet Nam’s National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and Vision to 2030 was submitted to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2015 and includes activities to ‘establish a mechanism for managing access to genetic resources, sharing benefits, protection, and traditional knowledge of genetic resources’[3]



[2] Secretariat of the Convention of Biological Diversity (2011), Factsheet on Traditional Knowledge,

[3] MONRE (2015) Viet Nam’s National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and Vision to 2030,


Viet Nam’s 5th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity (covering the period 2009-2013)[1] reports on efforts to preserve indigenous knowledge, innovations and practices and to ensure equitable sharing of benefits from genetic resources:

  • National research institutes have investigated and assisted in further development of indigenous knowledge of mountainous ethnic communities related to natural resource protection and utilisation, including documenting medicinal plants and traditional remedies of Dao, Nung, Tay, and Hmong ethnic minority populations.
  • Some traditional practices such as protecting sacred forests and watersheds are maintained and developed by local authorities. Several traditional festivals like Cau ngu (praying for fish) in coastal communities are still organised every year.
  • The previous National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan included efforts to ensure community rights and participation in protected area management. Government sectoral development strategies and projects have also recognised the importance of equal sharing of benefits from biodiversity resources and ecological services. In the national programmes No. 327 and No. 661 on reforestation, local people have been allocated land, forests, and water to manage and utilize for production.


Viet Nam’s specific targets for 2009-2013, related to sustainable use and equitable sharing benefits from ecosystems, species and genetic resources, are shown below:


Implementing agency

2010 2015 2020 Evaluation method
Degraded ecosystems restored MARD No data --- At least 15% up compared with to 2010

By statistics

Valuable wildlife are bred MARD ---

15% up compared with to 2010

30% up compared with to 2010

By statistics

Valuable wildlife are bred MARD

10 PAs

 10% up

 50% up



[1] MONRE (2014) Viet Nam’s Fifth National Report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. Reporting period: 2009-2013.

  • EMLC participation in REDD+ consultation processe
  • Number of REDD+ interventions that support traditional forest management practices and knowledge
    • Content not yet available
  • Co-management, customary institutions and local regulations
    • Content not yet available