Safeguard B Detail

Content with Safeguard B B1.3 times .

As described under Safeguard B1.3.1, Viet Nam has created dedicated institutions with competence for promoting transparency of the forest sector activities, which include supervision and monitoring of funds. Forest budgets are to be scrutinised by a parliamentary and governmental process, and information about the forest agencies budget should be made publicly available. Public scrutiny of draft socio-economic development plans, budgets and land-use planning decisions are also addressed in the Anti-Corruption Law[1]. Where State Agencies have the authority to consider and approve projects and state budgets, explanations/justifications must be provided, and budgets must be audited[2].

In the National REDD+ Programme (NRAP, 2017)[3], it is stated that the transparency of financial resources and organisations for the implementation of REDD+ programme must be assured to enable the participation of related stakeholders, including government bodies, socio-political organisations, non-governmental organisations and international parties as relevant.

Viet Nam's NRAP[3] outlines the expected sources and amounts of funds to support REDD+ implementation during 2017-2020. The identified sources of funds include:

a) Domestic resources:

  • State budget allocated for relevant Target Programmes on: sustainable forest development; responding to climate change and green growth; education, vocational training and occupational safety; agricultural economic restructuring; natural disasters prevention and mitigation; residential life stability; and other national programmes and projects in the period 2016-2020.
  • Investments by enterprises and other economic actors through various market mechanisms; proceeds from offset forest plantation policies and contributions other related programmes, projects and individuals.
  • Loans and credits (including commercial loans and investment for development).

b) International resource contributions, development assistance and trust funds of other countries, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, businesses and individuals and other financial institutions; revenues received from REDD+ performance, including revenues from forest carbon credit trading schemes.

c) Other legal sources:

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Finance are called upon to establish Viet Nam’s National REDD+ Fund, and to issue regulations on the organisation and operation of the Fund in accordance with Viet Nam’s laws and international regulations and practices. The Ministry of Planning and Investment is also charged with coordinating with the Ministry of Finance to allocate counterpart funds for the projects implementing the NRAP[3].


[1] The Anti-Corruption Law (2005), Articles 15 & 21. Vietnamese; English

[2] The Anti-Corruption Law (2005), Articles 20 & 28. Vietnamese; English

[3] NRAP 2017, Decision No 419/QD-TTg dated 5/4/2017. Vietnamese; English


International funding

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Domestic funding

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Number of provinces participating in REDD+ that make available information on REDD+ related budgets and/or expenditures

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