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How does Viet Nam's National REDD+ Programme ensure access to information? #uploaded
- B1.2
How does the Viet Nam National REDD+ Programme seek to ensure account
- B1.3
- B2
- B2.1
How does Viet Nam's National REDD+ Programme define rule of law?
- B2.2
- B2.3
How does the National REDD+ Programme ensure fair benefit sharing?
- B2.4
How does Viet Nam's National REDD+ Programme enhance gender equality?
- B2.5
How does Viet Nam's National REDD+ Programme ensure cross-sector coordination?
- B2.6
How does Viet Nam's National REDD+ Programme ensure access to justice?
Content with tag respect .
- National level
The following section presents information on how information on REDD+ strategies, implementation and safeguards has been made available. This includes information on the implementation of relevant policies, laws and regulations, as well as data specific to REDD+ information-sharing mechanisms.
- Implementation of the Law on Access to Information
- Access to information on REDD+ safeguards
- SIS webpage statistics, 2018-2022
- Summaries of Information [link to where they are stored in SIS]
- REDD+ Network
- Provincial/sub-national level
The national guidelines on the development of Provincial REDD+ Action Plans[1] assigns responsibilities for information sharing and communications on REDD+. Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development and Provincial People's Committees are instructed to conduct communication and education activities to raise awareness of related stakeholders, along with other departments responsible for communication, awareness raising and capacity building activities on gender equality, mobilisation of ethnic minorities in REDD+ activities, and REDD+ mainstreaming in programmes and projects for ethnic minorities who live in and near forests.
Under the Emission Reductions Program of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund (covering six provinces in the North-Central Coast Region of Viet Nam), activities on communications are aimed at 'timely published information on ER program to stakeholders' and 'documented and shared lessons learnt and results of the ER program'[2]. The ER Program adopts an Adaptive Collaborative Management Approach (ACMA), to be operationalised through proposed local Forest Management Councils (FMCs). FMC's are to implement a range of tasks, including: establish communication networks, to facilitate the exchange of information for all stakeholders to access[3].
The following section presents information on provincial-level information sharing relevant to REDD+. This includes figures specific to the operation of REDD+ information-sharing mechanisms in the provinces.
[1] Chapter 2, part V, MARD Decision No. 5414/2015/QD-BNN-TCLN.
The following section presents information on provincial-level information sharing relevant to REDD+. This includes figures specific to the operation of REDD+ information-sharing mechanisms in the provinces.
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International funding
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Domestic funding
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Number of provinces participating in REDD+ that make available information on REDD+ related budgets and/or expenditures
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Area of forest distributed by manager, year 2021[1]
Unit: ha
Oder | Managers | Total area of forests | Natural forest | Plantation forest |
| Total | 14.745.201 | 10.171.757 | 4.573.444 |
1 | Special-use forest management board | 2.175.082 | 2.064.488 | 110.594 |
2 | Protection forest management | 3.059.535 | 2.533.254 | 526.281 |
3 | Economic organizations | 1.688.803 | 1.127.240 | 561.563 |
4 | Armed organization | 184.436 | 123.126 | 61.31 |
5 | Science & technology, Education and Training organization | 192.676 | 80.39 | 112.286 |
6 | Domestic households and individuals | 3.101.858 | 1.320.187 | 1.781.671 |
7 | Residential community | 989.827 | 920.341 | 69.486 |
8 | Foreign investment enterprises | 15.213 | 2.202 | 13.011 |
9 | Commune People's Committee | 3.337.770 | 2.000.529 | 1.337.241 |
[1]Decision No: 2860/QĐ-BNN-TCLN July 27, 2022 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Status and trends in land certificates in forested provinces[1]
Trend in forest land allocation, national and by province
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Trends in forest protection contracts
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Trends in collaborative forest management arrangements
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Benefit sharing through PFES
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Benefit distribution reported by key emission reduction programs
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Trends in allocation of forest land
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The following information shows the status and trends in the number of household that have been contracted to protect areas of forest in all forested provinces of Viet Nam. This provides an insight into the number of households benefitting from protecting and managing forests
Number of households with forest protection contracts by forested province[1]
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Gender in the agriculture, forestry and rural development sector nationally
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Forest protection contracts issues to female-headed households
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Participation in REDD+ design by gender o Participation in REDD+ implementation by gender
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Participation in REDD+ implementation by gender
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The following information relates to trends in the gender equality nationally across some relevant aspects of the agriculture, forestry and rural development sector. These figures provide some insight into progress in the implementation of Viet Nam’s policies, laws and regulations on promoting gender equality.
Gender development index in provinces
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Number of employees in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector, 2016, 2020 and 2021
Year | Total employees | Male | Female |
2016 [1] | 223,151,000 | 110,686,000 | 112,466,000 |
2020 [2] | 177, 246 000 | 90,739,000 | 86,507,000 |
2021 [2] | 142,623,000 | 77,104,000 | 65,519,000 |
[1] General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. 2018. Gender Statistics in Viet Nam 2016. https://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=515&idmid=5&ItemID=18903
[2] General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. 2021 Gender Statistics in Vietnam report 2021 https://www.gso.gov.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Thong-tin-gioi-VN-2021_final.pdf
Average monthly earnings per employee in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector, 2010, 2016 and 2021
Year | Average | Male | Female | Female earnings as % of male |
2010 [1] | 1,826 | 1,996 | 1,539 | 77.1% |
2016 [1] | 3,316 | 3,692 | 2,580 | 69.9% |
2021 [2] | 4,701 | 5,288 | 3,643 | 68.9% |
(Unit: 1000 VND)
[1] General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. 2018. Gender Statistics in Viet Nam 2016. https://www.gso.gov.vn/default_en.aspx?tabid=515&idmid=5&ItemID=18903
[2] General Statistics Office of Viet Nam. 2021. Average monthly earnings of wage workers by sex and industry in 2021. https://www.gso.gov.vn/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Sach-Bao-cao-LD-viec-lam-TA-Can-1.pdf
Women holding land certificates
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Sectors represented in REDD+ coordination mechanisms
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National and provincial master plans
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