Safeguard D Detail

Content with Safeguard D D2.2 times .

One of the five principles guiding Viet Nam’s National REDD+ Programme aims at: ‘Ensuring the consistency of the State in steering, management and coordination; optimising the participation and monitoring of socio-political, professional associations, non-governmental organisations and communities, utilising mechanisms for effective international cooperation in the development and implementation of the REDD+ Programme’[1].

National guidelines[2] on the development of Provincial REDD+ Action Plans (PRAPs) also enshrine the principle of stakeholder participation in, stating that ‘the development of PRAP ensure the participation of relevant stakeholders, departments and sectors within such provinces’.

A number of mechanisms for stakeholder participation are relevant for the development and implementation of Viet Nam’s National REDD+ Programme[1]:

  • Free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC), which Viet Nam has adopted[3], is covered under Safeguard C2.2.2, and has been considered in the development of Viet Nam’s National REDD+ Programme;
  • The national guidelines for Provincial REDD+ Action Plans (PRAPs) include specific guidance on the engagement of stakeholders in the various steps of the PRAP development process, including through the PRAP working group, consultation workshops, field visits to verify proposed REDD+ policies and measures, and the collection of comments on the proposed PRAP[4];
  • Information sharing and communication mechanisms (see Safeguard B1.1);
  • Benefit-sharing mechanism (see Safeguard B2.3).

In the case of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Emission Reductions (ER) Program in the North-Central Coast Region of Viet Nam, the program is built around the participatory adaptive collaborative management approach (ACMA. Stakeholder participation mechanisms outlined in the ER Program document[5] include:

  • Participatory design and implementation of field-based activities;
  • REDD+ Needs Assessments and Social Screening Reports at the forest management level, including consultations with local communities;
  • Community participation in preparation of management plans, including formal partnerships based on collaborative shared protection responsibilities and benefits;
  • Local level consultations to secure free, prior and informed consultation;
  • Elections in villages for representatives to meetings of the ACMA Entity;
  • Participation Specialist for supporting participatory processes for ACMA and benefit sharing plans.

[1] NRAP 2017, Decision No 419/QD-TTg dated 5/4/2017; UNDRIP (2007). 

Vietnamese version:;

English version:  

[2] MARD Decision No. 5414/2015/QD-BNN-TCLN.



[3] NRAP 2017, Decision No 419/QD-TTg dated 5/4/2017.

Vietnamese version:;

English version:

[4] MARD (2015) No. 5414/QD-BNN-TCLN Decision on Approving the guidelines on development of provincial action plans on reducing greenhouse gas emissions through efforts to reduce deforestation and forest degradation, sustainable forest management, and conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+), 25 December 2015, MARD.

[5] Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund. Emission Reductions Program Document (ER-PD). Date of Submission: 5 January 2018

  • Stakeholder participation in NRAP and PRAP consultations
    • In the case of the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Emission Reductions (ER) Program in the North-Central Coast Region of Viet Nam, stakeholder consultation processes and how stakeholder feedback was incorporated into the development of the Programme are set out in the ER Program Document of January 2018[1]. Stakeholders From household level up to national and international levels have been consulted in this process, through: village-level meetings; focus group discussion; more than 30 workshops at various levels; review/exchange of reports; participatory forest transects and natural resource assessments; interviews of key informants; a quantitative survey of over 3,000 households.
  • Stakeholder participation in consultations on emission reduction programs
    • Content not available yet.

[1] Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund. Emission Reductions Program Document (ER-PD). Date of Submission: 5 January 2018