Safeguard E

That actions are consistent with the conservation of natural forests and biological diversity, ensuring that the actions are not used for the conversion of natural forests, but are instead used to incentivise the protection and conservation of natural forests and their ecosystem services, and to enhance other social and environmental benefits

Cancun safeguard E, in the context of Viet Nam, means that REDD+ PaMs will not be used for the conversion of natural forests. Development and implementation of the National REDD+ Programme and provincial REDD+ action plans will be consistent with the natural forest protection and biodiversity conservation provisions of Viet Nam’s legal framework. Assessing the potential environmental impacts, positive and negative, of proposed REDD+ PaMs, and designing and implementing PaMs to support natural forest protection and biodiversity conservation, will be key to ensuring this consistency. REDD+ PaMs are expected to include the provision of monetary and/or non-monetary benefits to populations living in or around forest areas targeted for intervention to encourage their conservation, restoration and sustainable management by these local populations. Proposed REDD+ PaMs will be assessed and designed in way that they promote ecological, biological, climatic, socio-cultural and economic benefits throughout the implementation of REDD+.


There are five elements for this Safeguard: