A1.1.4. Overall goal and objectives of the National REDD+ Programme - A1.1.4. Overall goal and objectives of the National REDD+ Programme

angle-left A1.1.4. Overall goal and objectives of the National REDD+ Programme

The overall goal of the National REDD+ Programme is to: Contribute to protecting and improving the quality of the existing natural forests, expanding the forest area and improving the quality of plantation forests; linking with the implementation of national goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, forest protection and development, green growth; mobilising international support, getting access to carbon markets; and improving people's lives and the country's sustainable development.

The National REDD+ Programme’s specific objectives are:

For the period 2017-2020:

  • Contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through REDD+ activities; expand the forest cover to 42% and reach 14.4 million hectares of forest by 2020;
  • Meet the requirements of REDD+ readiness, ensuring there is capacity to access financial resources for results-based payments as per international requirements;
  • Improve the quality of natural forests and planted forests to increase carbon stock and environmental forest services; replicate effective models of forest plantation; sustainable management, protection and conservation of natural forests;
  • Contribute to improve forest governance, create jobs, improve the living conditions of the people associated with the New Rural Programme and ensure security and national defence.

For the period 2021-2030:

  • Stabilise the natural forest area by 2030 at least at the same level as 2020, and increase forest cover up to 45% of national territory, contributing to realise the national target of reducing total greenhouse gas emissions by 8% by 2030 compared with business as usual (BAU) scenario as committed in the Paris Agreement on climate change. This contribution may increase to 25% if receiving international support;
  • Replicate highly effective models on REDD+ and sustainable forest management, integrate fully REDD+ into sustainable forestry development programmes;
  • Complete policies, laws and action framework of the REDD+ programme and access financial resources for results-based payments in accordance with international requirements.