
What is Viet Nam's Safeguard information System?

The development of a safeguard information system (SIS) is one of three key REDD+ safeguard-related requirements outlined by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The SIS is a national-level system for providing information on how all of the Cancun safeguards are addressed and respected, throughout the implementation of REDD+ actions, known as policies and measures in Viet Nam.

The information presented in Viet Nam’s SIS is drawn from a range of sources, including the national Forest Management Information System (FORMIS), the Forest Resources Monitoring System (FRMS), and the General Statistics Office. Information on how the safeguards are being addressed – the governance arrangements relevant to the safeguards - includes descriptions of relevant policies, laws and regulations. Information on how the safeguards are being respected includes descriptions and figures on how these policies, laws and regulations are working in practice, along with information on REDD+ procedures and relevant outcomes of REDD+ implementation.

Information in Viet Nam’s SIS is updated regularly, depending on the source of the information.

Click here to learn more about the SIS.

Click here to learn more about REDD+ in Viet Nam.

Viet Nam’s approach to the safeguards aims to ensure:
REDD+ policies and measures are developed and implemented in a manner that is consistent with the safeguards (regardless of their type of funding sources)
A Safeguard Information System (SIS) is in place to provide information that is accessible to all relevant stakeholders on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected
Summaries of information on safeguards are submitted periodically to the UNFCCC and other applicable donor or funders for REDD+

Explore the safeguards